What makes this different? (Or: why I created this instead of just using meditation apps)

All of Raising Slow's offerings displayed for the membership

Hi Reader,

I want to talk about value for a minute.

Not just dollars and cents (though we'll get to that) or our personal values (you know I loooove to talk about those!) but the kind of value that makes a real difference in your day-to-day life.

Something I realized a few years ago: Most mindfulness resources weren't created for mothers.

They weren't designed for people who:

  • Might get interrupted 17 times during a 5-minute meditation
  • Need to regulate their nervous system WHILE making lunch and listening to a soul-crushing tantrum
  • Are trying to build family rhythms in the chaos of real life
  • Want to be present but also have a list as long as a CVS receipt

I knew this, so I created Raising Slow differently.

What makes this membership unique?

  1. Everything works together. The breathwork supports the mindfulness. The mindfulness supports the routine-building. The routine-building supports the family culture. It's a system, not random pieces.

  2. It meets you where you are. Having a peaceful day? Great, work on your vision. Having a terrible day? Here's a 2-minute breathing technique to help right now.

  3. It's created by someone who still loses it sometimes. These aren't perfect solutions from someone living a perfect life – they're real tools that work in real homes.

  4. It grows with you. As your children change, as your challenges evolve, different parts of the membership become relevant. It's all there, waiting for when you need it.

And yes, let's talk about the value.

If you purchased these courses separately:

  • Peaceful Mamas: $250
  • A Year of Mindfulness: $24
  • Breath to Bloom: $150
  • Plus all the other courses and resources...

You'd spend well over $500. Instead, you can join for just $15/month during this birthday week special.

But, the real value is in the moments when you catch yourself before yelling. When you connect with your child instead of rushing them. When you find a pocket of peace in a chaotic day. When you forgive yourself for snapping, when you find you aren’t as bothered by the daily interruptions and irritations. When you get a boost of energy after a long night.

Those moments are priceless.

Ready to experience the difference? Join us here.

Finding my own way too,

PS The $15/month special pricing ends on Monday

When you're ready, here are a few way we can work together:

↠ Looking for an all-encompassing way to find the presence, connection and joy in motherhood you've been searching for even when you feel overwhelmed, stressed, and pulled in every direction? Join Peaceful Mamas here.

↠ Interested in leveraging the power of breathwork for calm, creativity, and energy? Get on the Breath to Bloom waitlist here.

↠ Curious about all the ways to embrace mindful motherhood, slow down, find ease and a little fun? Click here for everything I offer to go from overwhelmed to thriving.

↠ If you want access to all of it, join the membership here. You'll get every single thing I offer at your finger tips. Cancel anytime.

Let’s nurture a peaceful and present path together!

Hi! I'm Jess at Raising Slow

Simple, Sustainable, Slow. Let’s create space for a more mindful and peaceful motherhood, together. Join me for tips to simplify, intentionally build a more values-aligned life, and slow down. Sign up here for a 5-Day Slow Motherhood Challenge: